811 N. Catalina Ave. Suite 2006 Redondo Beach, CA 90250
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 5 pm and by appointment. We work remotely on Fridays.
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Job postings are listed in reverse chronological order when they are requested.
La Crescenta Presbyterian Church 2902 Montrose Avenue La Crescenta, California 91214 POSITION DESCRIPTION TITLE: Director of Children and Family Ministries PURPOSE: The Director of Children and Family Ministries is a counselor, teacher, minister, and friend to the families of our church. He/she oversees ministries related to children and families. To accomplish this, the Director strives to: …
Christ the King Lutheran Church is looking for a Parish Administrator who can share their gifts of communication and creativity in all our communications and work with the community. We are paying $25/hr for 10-15 hours a week for in office work, creating bulletins, promotional flyers, and working with contractors. Email Deacon David Webb for…
WHO WE ARE:St. Peter’s by the Sea Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) located on the bluffs in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, it exists to glorify God, grow followers of Christ, and meet human needs. This vision is at the heart of every ministry.Our congregation recognizes…
Union Church of Los Angeles 401 E. 3rd StreetLos Angeles, CA 90013-1691unionchurchdtla@gmail.comhttps://www.unionchurchla.orgPosition Description for an Interim PastorUnion Church is a 107 year-old Christian church in the heart of Little Tokyo in Downtown Los Angeles. The church was formed in 1918 when three Japanese speaking congregations joined together, united by a desire to follow Christ. We continue…
East Whittier Presbyterian Church (in the Presbytery of Los Ranchos) seeks an Intentional Transitional Pastor (ITP) to join their community. Click here to view the job description. For more information, please get in touch with
Brief Job Description: Administer & lead a comprehensive child care program, including infants/toddlers, preschool & before/after-school care programs, including a full-day day camp when public schools are closed. The Director shall be responsible for a program of professional and spiritual enrichment for the staff. The Director will also be an ambassador to the church to…