Job Openings

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Job postings are listed in reverse chronological order when they are requested.

Job Opening: La Crescenta Presbyterian Church (San Fernando Presbytery)

La Crescenta Presbyterian Church 2902 Montrose Avenue La Crescenta, California 91214 POSITION DESCRIPTION  TITLE: Director of Children and Family Ministries  PURPOSE: The Director of Children and Family Ministries is a counselor, teacher, minister, and friend to the families of our church. He/she oversees ministries related to children and families. To accomplish this, the Director strives to: …

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Interim Pastor Job Opening at Union Church

Union Church of Los Angeles 401 E. 3rd StreetLos Angeles, CA 90013-1691unionchurchdtla@gmail.comhttps://www.unionchurchla.orgPosition Description for an Interim PastorUnion Church is a 107 year-old Christian church in the heart of Little Tokyo in Downtown Los Angeles. The church was formed in 1918 when three Japanese speaking congregations joined together, united by a desire to follow Christ. We continue…

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La Crescenta Presbyterian Church Job Opening: Executive Director, Center for Children

Brief Job Description: Administer & lead a comprehensive child care program, including infants/toddlers, preschool & before/after-school care programs, including a full-day day camp when public schools are closed. The Director shall be responsible for a program of professional and spiritual enrichment for the staff. The Director will also be an ambassador to the church to…

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