Immigration & Refugee Ministry

Pacific Presbytery is proud to partner with Immanuel Presbyterian Church and 
EPIC (Echo Park Immigration Center) to fund and support families staying in the church seeking asylum in the United States:

Our Immigration and Refugee Task Force meets quarterly and is active in immigration education, advocacy, and hospitality throughout the Southern California region. Concerned about anti-immigrant sentiment in the U.S., we were created as a subcommittee of the Mission Interpretation and Promotion Committee of Pacific Presbytery. This is a partnership of Pacific Presbytery and San Gabriel Presbytery’s Immigrant Accompaniment Organizers. We are guided by PCUSA policy statements that call for just and humane immigration laws and policies.

All are welcome to be on our list-serve and get action updates and service opportunities!

DONATE to our Immigrant Support Fund:

We have set up an Immigrant Support Fund to meet the emergency needs of the immigrant population. This fund helps support attorney fees, transportation, food, and temporary housing. It has been a lifesaving fund. 100% goes directly to immigrant support; there is absolutely no overhead. To donate, click on the “Give” green button on the upper right-hand corner of your screen. This will open a new page. Then, select “Immigration Support Fund” from the drop-down menu located under the “Give” section.

Asylum Hospitality Network:

In partnership with Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE), Pacific Presbytery is creating a faith-based Asylum Hospitality Network in Los Angeles to support churches involved in welcoming families who are coming to our borders. Info: 

Migration Mission Network:

In 2018, in partnership with the Reformed Calvinist Church of El Salvador (IRCES), Pacific Presbytery passed an Overture in 2018 to create a Migration Mission Network across the Americas, and secured funding for a Mission Co-Worker for this position. The Migration Mission Launch is being held March 19-27, 2024 in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Welcoming Migrant Busloads from Texas:

Since the summer of 2023, Los Angeles has received dozens of busloads of migrants from the borderlands of Texas. In partnership with the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, the United Methodist Conference, and Clergy and Laity United for Justice, we are organizing clergy to greet and pray with migrants when they arrive at Union Station. 

Border Trips:

In July 2023, Presbyterians throughout Southern California participated in a Border Trip to Tijuana, coordinated by San Gabriel Presbytery’s Immigrant Accompaniment Organizer Wendy Gist. In fall of 2022, Pacific Presbytery participated in two border trips coordinated by CLUE and Matthew 25 SoCal. If you are interested in learning about the U.S./Mexico border, immigration law, and migrant ministry in Tijuana on one of our transformative trips, contact:

Our Partners

Presbyterian Office of Immigration

Migration Accompaniment Ministries of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Adelanto Visitation Advocacy Network

Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice

Al Otro Lado

Border Church

Via International