811 N. Catalina Ave. Suite 2006 Redondo Beach, CA 90250
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 5 pm and by appointment. We work remotely on Fridays.
Pacific Presbytery has been actively working to build more affordable housing in Los Angeles County. We create task forces as needed to coordinate fundraising and builds. Our Mission Catalyst also educates, equips, and resources our churches interested in building affordable housing on their church property. Contact us with interest and questions!
Pacific Presbytery has been working to actively build more affordable housing in Los Angeles County for decades, boasting some of the founding members of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles. We create task forces as needed to coordinate fundraising and builds. Our Mission Catalyst also educates, equips and resources our churches interested in building affordable housing on their church property.
Pacific Presbytery is working on close partnership with LA Voice’s Faith in Housing Program and non-profit housing developers in the County of Los Angeles to promote building affordable housing on church property. Cohorts of churches exploring affordable housing possibilities happen twice a year and are free. To join an LA Voice cohort to explore if affordable housing is right for your church, contact: There is an upcoming cohort; please see the details below.
In 2012, Pacific Presbytery committed to advocating, fundraising and building ten houses on Globe Avenue in Culver City in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles. In 2014 we launched a fundraising effort presbytery-wide over two years that raised $250,000 for the Culver City build. In 2018, Habitat broke ground and Pacific Presbytery sent volunteer teams every last Saturday of the month for two years to build the homes, which were completed in 2020. We strengthened our own relationships across congregations by encouraging a cross-section of our churches to be represented on each build day. A total of 33 Presbytery of the Pacific churches supported the Culver City Habitat Build. There are now 10 Habitat homes across from Culver City Presbyterian Church built largely by area corporations, civic organizations, and faith-based coalitions, the first affordable housing build on the Westside of Los Angeles in Habitat for Humanity’s history. To volunteer with Habitat:
The Arroyo Group (affordable housing developers)
Interested in being connected to the Homeless Housing Task Force (HHTF)?
Please contact Rev. Heidi Worthen Gamble, Mission Catalyst.