Presbytery Coordinating Commission (PCC)

Duties: The membership of the PCC consists of the chairs of many standing presbytery committees with an additional six at-large members elected. Its duties are:

  • Coordinate the work of the committees and ministries of the presbytery
  • Appoint committees/task forces for special purposes
  • Have specific powers which may be granted by the presbytery from time to time and as permitted by the Form of Government
  • Nominate the Committee on Participation and Representation

The PCC reviews business that is to come before the Presbytery, makes recommendations to the Presbytery, coordinates the Presbytery meetings, and provides wisdom and guidance to the committees.

Chairperson:  Rev. Dr. Amanda Riley

Meetings: Meets four times a year, with other meetings called as needed.

Skills: Experience serving on Session and/or other presbytery committees.