Mission Interpretation and Promotion (MIP)

Duties: The Mission Interpretation and Promotion Committee oversees the multiple teams and task forces of Pacific Presbytery and is responsible for overseeing all mission funds and accounts. MIP is responsible for the MIP Report and Hunger Offering at each Presbytery meeting, a longstanding tradition in Pacific Presbytery for decades. MIP also receives and administers the Lulu Stevens grant. In addition, MIP generates and launches new mission teams, ideas, and actions in the Presbytery. MIP educates, inspires, resources and organizes our congregations and sets the missional direction for our Presbytery. Each member of MIP serves as part of the whole and takes on tasks as they arise.

Chair: Rev. Elizabeth Gibbs-Zehnder

Meetings: Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM

Skills: Anyone with a passion and deep theological/practical understanding of mission – or willing to grow in that area. Also helpful are skills in communication, grant writing, social media, event planning, and community organizing.