811 N. Catalina Ave. Suite 2006 Redondo Beach, CA 90250
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 5 pm and by appointment. We work remotely on Fridays.
Form 1A “Application to be enrolled by Presbytery as an Inquirer“
To be completed initially by the applicant seeking to be enrolled. Both the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry and the presbytery’s actions regarding the application are recorded on this form. It provides basic information regarding the applicant’s background, identity, and interests. This form includes a list of personal references.
Form 1B “Questions for Reflection”
These questions are to be completed by the applicant as a basis for direct discussion first with the session of the applicant’s home church and later with the presbytery’s committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry.
*Form 1B-1 “Supplemental Question for Reflection”
This question is specific to the Presbytery of the Pacific only and will only be found on our website.
Form 1C “Financial Planning for Theological Education”
Using basic information provided by the applicant, this spreadsheet automatically generates a projection of the applicant’s financial resources and needs relative to the required seminary training. If seminary is still a long ways away for you, Form 1C may be premature, but is important as you begin to think about your further education.
Form 1D “Session Evaluation and Recommendation”
This form is completed by the applicant’s session and forwarded along with the other application forms to the presbytery’s committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. The form includes questions that may guide the session’s discussion with the applicant and provide support for its recommendation to the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry.
Form 2A “Report of Consultation Regarding Application to Become an Inquirer”
In addition to formulating its recommendation to the presbytery to enroll the applicant as an inquirer, the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry should also establish goals for the first year the new inquirer will be under care. This form records the growth objectives agreed to by the new Inquirer and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. The completed report is sent to the enrollee, the theological institution, and the sponsoring session.
Form 2B “Covenant Agreement and Inquirer Release”
A signed acknowledgment of the new covenant relationship entered into by the inquirer, the session, and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. The inquirer release sets in motion an understanding that permits the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry to secure information necessary to make responsible decisions and recommendations.
Form 3 “Pre-consultation Report on Development Areas”
This report, completed by the inquirer/candidate before each consultation, evaluates progress in accomplishing previously agreed-upon goals and objectives. The form requests a listing of completed courses, and includes specific questions to be addressed in each of the five growth areas.