Common Life Commission (CLC) is established to ensure equity in the shared life of the Presbytery. This group is in the process of being formed.
Pacific Presbytery mandates CLC to:
Direct Presbytery leadership to plan Presbytery meetings that ensure diverse cultural expressions of the Presbytery, especially during worship;
Develop and oversee mandatory bi-annual racial justice trainings for all pastors, elders, deacons, Presbytery leadership, and Presbytery staff;
Develop and oversee an annual racial justice education event for the entire Presbytery;
Develop and provide anti-racism tools for congregational use, including but not limited to seminars, written materials, and audio-visual materials;
Monitor and assist congregations in developing cross-city/cross-cultural/cross-boundary relationships with one another to learn about and celebrate the diversity of the Presbytery;
Monitor and assist other member congregations in developing relationships and partnerships to share in ministry, mission, and resources; and
Direct Presbytery leadership teams (all Committees and Commissions) to create Presbytery-wide gatherings to reinforce relationships and celebrate our common life, at least annually.