Committee on Participation and Representation (COPR)

Duties: Advocate for the diversity in participation to include… “race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, geography, and theological conviction.” [Book of Order F-1.0403] Nominate to the Presbytery persons to fill all vacancies on Presbytery committees; Synod Council representatives; commissioners to Synod and commissioners to General Assembly; and committee chairpersons, except as otherwise provided in the Standing Rules.

  • Advise the Presbytery regarding the principles of unity and diversity.
  • Advise Presbytery leadership on a process for welcoming and developing leaders.
  • Consult with the Presbytery on the employment of personnel in accordance with the principles of unity and diversity [Book of Order F-1.0403].
  • Publish an annual report of representation on Presbytery leadership and elected commissioners.
  • COPR is accountable to the Presbytery.

Each member of COPR is assigned to oversee one of these three areas: Leadership Development, Nominating, and Diversity of Representation in service to the presbytery.

Chairperson: Derrick Coy

Meetings: Meetings are scheduled for April & October, with others called as needed.

Skills: Leadership, taking ideas and developing them into processes and programs, administration, organizational abilities,  and cultural proficiency.