Candidate Forms

The forms on this page are used by Inquirers and their committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry when a decision has been made to recommend the Inquirer be advanced by the presbytery to candidate status.

Form 5A       “Application to be enrolled by Presbytery as a Candidate”

To be completed initially by the Inquirer seeking to be advanced to candidacy. The recommendations of the session and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry along with the action taken by the presbytery are recorded on this form.

Download 5A

Form 5A-1       “Supplemental Questions for Response to be Enrolled  by Presbytery as a Candidate”
This form is specific to the Presbytery of the Pacific that asks additional questions for better understanding of a Candidate and their sense of vocational calling and relationships with the church.

Download 5A-1

Form 5B       “Session recommendation for Enrollment as Candidate”
This form is completed by the inquirer’s session and forwarded to the presbytery’s committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. Questions that may guide the session’s discussion with the inquirer and provide support for its recommendation to the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry may be found in the “Advisory Handbook” on pages 39 – 41. Attach a letter explaining rationale for the sessions action in light of inquirer’s suitability.

Download 5B

Form 5C      “Report of Consultation to become a Candidate”
A signed acknowledgement of the new covenant relationship entered into by the candidate and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. This form also establishes growth areas for candidate. The completed report is sent to the inquirer/candidate, theological institution, and sponsoring session.

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Form 5D       “Covenant Agreement and Candidate Release”
A signed acknowledgement of the new covenant relationship entered into by the candidate, the session and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. The candidate release sets in motion an understanding that permits the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry to secure information necessary to make responsible decisions and recommendations.

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