811 N. Catalina Ave. Suite 2006 Redondo Beach, CA 90250
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 5 pm and by appointment. We work remotely on Fridays.
We invite you to join us **in person** for our next Stated Meeting on **Saturday, March 8th, at Culver City Presbyterian Church**.
As many of you know, our Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church suffered the devastating loss of their church facility in January’s Palisades Fire; yet they remain committed to hosting our gathering in partnership with Culver City Presbyterian Church.
Also, a distinguished delegation from our national church leadership will be traveling to stand alongside us in love, compassion and solidarity. Your physical presence at this meeting would be a powerful witness of our united body in Christ during this difficult season.
Rev. Jihyun Oh, Director and Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, will share God’s Word with us. During our fellowship at lunch, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance will guide us in trauma-informed spiritual care and help us process our collective grief through sharing our stories—embodying how we are called to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
While we understand the convenience of our hybrid format, we prayerfully ask you to make every effort to attend **in person** as a demonstration of the strength we find in the physical community. As the body of Christ, our presence matters—to our Pacific Palisades family, to our visiting leadership, and to one another.
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