811 N. Catalina Ave. Suite 2006 Redondo Beach, CA 90250
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 5 pm and by appointment. We work remotely on Fridays.
The Stated Clerk is the Presbytery’s ecclesiastical administrator. This office relates to congregational Sessions, the Synod of Southern California & Hawai’i, and the General Assembly. The Stated Clerk serves as the Presbytery’s scribe and parliamentarian. The Stated Clerk also serves as a polity resource to Clerks of Session, Moderators, and the constitutional committees of the Presbytery. Required by the Book of Order, annual reviews of the congregation’s minutes, rolls, and registers are coordinated by the Stated Clerk’s Office.
At the November 19, 2024 Presbytery Meeting, it was approved that the 2025 per capita apportionment amount is $52.
In accordance with G-3.0108a, The Presbytery reviews the recorded minutes of Sessions to determine that minutes have been correctly recorded; the meetings have been regular and in accordance with the Constitution; the meetings have been prudent and equitable; the meetings have been faithful to the mission of the whole church and that the lawful injunctions of a higher council have been adhered to.
DOWNLOAD – Session Records Checklist for Annual Review
This annual report on congregational statistics is designed to guide you through the statistical information that you must provide to the Office of the General Assembly in accordance with G-3.0202f. The information you provide will be combined with that from other PC(USA) congregations to become the “OGA Statistics” that appear annually in the General Assembly Minutes, Part II, Statistics.
The reporting process can be stopped and started as often as necessary as the system saves your progress automatically.
PLEASE NOTE: No longer is a workbook being produced. PDFs have been created related to the questions and definitions being asked. Click on the appropriate link below for your language of choice. The program has been updated to include helpful tools and definitions to complete the process. The reporting system is available in Korean, Spanish, and English.
The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) consists of two parts: Part one is The Book of Confessions, and part two, the Book of Order, consists of the Foundations of Presbyterian Polity, Form of Government, Directory for Worship, and Rules of Discipline.
The Book of Confessions, containing historical statements of what we as a church believe, is available in several forms.
You can download the following:
You can use this searchable online version, or you can purchase a printed version from Presbyterian Distribution Service (Church Store).
You can use this annotated searchable version online. This web application lets you search for a word or phrase in the Annotated Book of Order, including the history of amendments since 1983.
The Book of Order 2023-2025 is Part II of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
It includes:
You can download the following:
The Book of Order (2023-2025) in English (PDF).
Spanish and Korean 2023-2025 versions will be available soon. Check the PCUSA Store for more information.
The Book of Order (2019-2023) (en Español) (PDF)
The Book of Order (2019-2023) (한국어) (PDF)
The Book of Order (2019-2021) (Bahasa Indonesia) (PDF)
The Book of Order (2019 – 2021) Em Português (PDF)
Advisory Handbook for Councils for the Development of Policies and Procedures Required by the Form of Government.