Category Rev. Heidi’s Blog

Rev. Heidi’s Blog from Hawaii

O’ahu ‘Ohana

The Maui fires in August 2023 deeply affected all of the Hawaiian islands. PDA and Pacific Presbytery met with our churches and pastors on O’ahu and Maui in person and online in the fall of 2023. We returned to ‘Oahu…

Lessons From the Mountain

PDA and Pacific Presbytery are here for long haul in Maui. And we are doing and will continue to do exactly that–listen, learn, coordinate, cooperate, collaborate, communicate, and accompany. It is the local community–not people from the outside–that recovers from a disaster.  I am grateful…

What is a VOAD? 

Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters. There is a National VOAD and state VOADS, like the Hawaii VOAD. VOADs are coalitions of faith-based, government and non-profit organizations that come together to collaborate and coordinate to make disaster work more effective and to avoid duplicating…

Heading into Diamond Head

I began the morning heading into the heart of Diamond Head in Honolulu to join Rev. Edwin Gonzalez-Castillo, Director of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and Elder John Toillion, Elder at Mililani Presbyterian Church in a meeting with several representatives of the…