Blog #6 Share What Really Happened in Lahaina

Today was the day Rev. Dr. Kimberly Fong and I accompanied a fire survivor into the restricted zone of downtown Lahaina. This was where the fire in Lahaina was the most devastating, and where this fire survivor’s home was lost. The restricted zone only allowed access to residents who had to show proof of ID at checkpoint. I was able to take pictures only as granted by the resident.

It’s hauntingly quiet in the restricted zone. 

Picture of downtown Lahaina September 2024.

History of Lahaina and Waiola Church

While in the restricted zone we visited Waiola Church, the first Christian church in Hawaii, established in 1823. It was started by missionaries William Richards and Charles Stewart from the Congregational and Presbyterian American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, at the invitation of Queen Ka’ahimanu. Lahaina was the capital of the Hawaiian kingdom at the time, and the Waiola Church is the final resting place for early members of the royal family of the Kingdom of Hawaii.