811 N. Catalina Ave. Suite 2006 Redondo Beach, CA 90250
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 5 pm and by appointment. We work remotely on Fridays.
Special COVID-19 message from all of us at Angel Interfaith Network During this pandemic crisis help from you is more important than ever.We are still here providing essential services to patients at LAC+USC Medical Center. Phone calls from social workers,…
Article from the Presbyterian Outlook, published on April 21, 2020 It’s official. The 2020 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will be held virtually, with plenary sessions June 19 (to elect a moderator or co-moderators) and June 26 and…
Dear Friends, I want to update you on the chaplaincy situation at LAC+USC Medical Center. Chaplains continue to be classified as essential workers at the medical center. Over the past month we have gone to great lengths to reconfigure resources…
Guidelines from the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Team To Leaders in the Presbytery of the Pacific: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance just released new guidelines for churches again for COVID-19, as it begins to take off in the United States. We are still…
Toolkit available to help people become better stewards of God’s Creation by Darla Carter | Presbyterian News Service LOUISVILLE — Presbyterians for Earth Care has a new program and toolkit to promote the creation of Earth-care teams at the presbytery level…
Ministry sends letter to Security Council members stating Presbyterian position on conflict by Rich Copley | Presbyterian News Service LOUISVILLE — The Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations is sending out a letter today to let the UN Security Council know the church’s view…
January 9, 2020 by Presbyterian News Service (PNS) Representatives from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its partners have returned from an international climate conference that left some observers disappointed about a lack of aggressive action to protect the Earth. READ MORE…