
Our Presbytery

We are the regional governing body and one of the 166 presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We are also one of the seven presbyteries in the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii. We have 54 churches located in the Los Angeles Area and on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, plus 2 worshipping communities. We have about 160 minister members along with numerous ruling elders who serve Christ in various ways. 

We are a community of connectional churches that strive to serve God through our ministries, relying on the strength of the Holy Spirit.

We are committed to diversity in our membership and the love and justice of God.

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Our Team (a list only, not links to emails)

Rev. Linda Culbertson, General Presbyter
Rev. Jennifer Pattee, Stated Clerk
Rev. Heidi Worthen-Gamble, Mission Catalyst
Amy Bennett, CPA, JD, Finance Director
Shirley Velasco, Executive Administrator