
Welcome to the Missions Page!

As the Presbytery of the Pacific, we are 54 Presbyterian churches in the Los Angeles basin and Hawaii engaging in a collective mission witness of love and justice in the name of Jesus. Interested in being part of one of our teams? Have questions? Contact: heidi@pacificpresbytery.org.

Mission Opportunities

Check out our various mission groups under the Mission Menu.

Become a Matthew 25 Congregation!

Does your congregation want to become Matthew 25 church?

It’s easy! The first step is simply pledging to become a Matthew 25 church and letting us know.

Sign up my congregation  

Presbytery of the Pacific’s Matthew 25 Churches

Download the Matthew 25 App


There several funds that can benefit from your gift.

Pastor’s Discretionary Fund for Disaster Relief–Emergency Unmet Needs in Maui

In response to the devastating fires on the island of Maui on August 8, 2023, the Mission Interpretation and Promotion Committee created a  “Pastor’s Discretionary Disaster Relief Fund”.100% of your donation goes DIRECTLY to those in need. There is absolutely no overhead. DONATE HERE.

Immigrant Support Fund 

We have set up an Immigrant Support Fund to meet urgent needs of the immigrant population. This fund helps support attorney fees, transportation, food, temporary housing. It has been a lifesaving fund. 100% goes directly to immigrant support; there is absolutely no overhead. DONATE HERE. Thank you!

Food Ministry Logistics Fund

Our Food Ministry Logistics Fund provides funding to support basic need for our churches with food ministries, such as racks, refrigerators, etc. 100% of your donation goes DIRECTLY to those in need. There is absolutely no overhead.To donate, contact: heidi@pacificpresbytery.org 

Mission Trips

Our Mission Trips Fund helps provide scholarships for youth and young adults and other volunteers with financial need to go on our mission trips! To donate, contact: heidi@pacificpresbytery.org